Vision of Yashar - El

Consciously creating a new society of naturally living men and women, harmoniously co-existing, honouring the Earth in the spirit of abundance, respect and trust for the greater good of all – H.E.A.R.T.

Current Vision

Our current vision is to initiate positive change in the world through conscious initiatives which include culturing a new organic and sustainable culture of being that enhances human experience in balance with nature and all things natural and organic.

We are doing this by being the change we wish to see and sharing our inspiration with the world via various social and community initiatives.
This includes researching and developing new sustainable ways of living particularly in the fields of eco friendly living methods, nature preservation, regenerative and sustainable organic food production.
Using technological mediums like the internet and social media platforms we are able to research and share knowledge to encourage happy and healthy human well-being and animal welfare, this in accordance with Universal and Yashar – El Tenets and laws.
We fully understand that the Yashar – El mission can only reach its full potential if we manage to effectively communicate our vision.
We are continually endeavouring to reach out and connect with other individuals, communities, societies and organisations that are aligned with our vision, mission and aim.
With this in mind, Yashar – El is currently affiliated with various communities around the world with whom we share and exchange skills, ideas, knowledge and resources. This approach of organic community networking is at the heart of our current vision.
Ultimately, we have and are creating a new Trust initiatives and territories for all current and future Yashar – El custodian beneficiaries.

Future Vision

Our future vision is to expand our current vision from community to a society. With the right resources and initiatives we will establish an alternative new world order society based on sustainable principles of co-existing harmoniously on Earth in balance with nature under and within one common unity of Trust.
This includes creating self sustainable systems and structures that symbiotically bridge technology and nature without harming the delicate balance of the natural order of life on Earth.
We are well aware that at first glance this appears as an idealistic aspiration, however, we strongly believe that the world is ready to embrace new and alternative ways of living that put nature, the Earth, principles of honour, abundance, respect and trust in one another at the forefront of human progression.

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